
This Sunday update has been applied to the US server. It includes a handful of bug fixes and one balance change.


> Fixed the Dragon Hunter’s description claiming the bind to detonate rockets is altfire, when it is actually special-fire

> Fixed the Pseudonailgun’s description still claiming it has “-40% reserve ammo”

> Correctly addressed the Melf’s Magic Poison error mentioned in the previous patch (I promise)

> Fixed the Backscatter still having “Silent kills from behind”

> Fixed the changes to the Victor-Ion from patch not being present

> These changes would be reducing ammo from 12 to 6, increasing ammo regained on backstab from 2 to 6, increasing ammo regained on shots vs players from 1 to 2, and increasing ammo regained on succesful building destructions from 1 to 2.

> Craft Co. (Custom Changes)

> Victor-Ion

- Reduced ammo regained when shooting buildings from 2 to 1

> You will neither gain nor lose ammo on successful shots versus buildings.

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