Once you have joined either a server, you can type !menu in the chat to access our main menu! From there, you can easily equip/unequip custom weapons, view changes to currently equipped custom weapons, and many more options!
At the moment, our EU server is unfortunately offline due to a lack of funds!
I’m having issues joining/finding the server!
Simply press one of the buttons on the left to automatically launch TF2 and join the corresponding server! If this doesn’t work, view this video or join our Discord for help!
All my weapon models are errors!/All I see are errors!
Open Options, then the Multiplayer Tab, and make sure the option in the bottom-right is set to “Allow all custom files from server.”
Finally, close and restart TF2.
It’s taking too long to join the server! / I still see errors!
Download our master download zip here.
Extract the contents of this file (Materials, Models, Sounds) into your TF2 directory’s “download” folder:
Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\download\WARNING: Most models our servers use are private and obtained with permission from the modelers. It is assumed to be against their wishes to use them without their permission by ripping them from our master download. Please request and obtain permission to use them yourself.
How do I add custom weapons to my own server?
We are not the creators of the Custom Weapon plugin and cannot provide support for it! Please direct questions to the plugin’s original creator or ask for help on the Official AlliedModders Discord!