Donation Information
A message from the cTF2w Team
As a child server of Advanced Weaponizer; one of the first Custom Weapon servers ever created,
we’ve been here since 2015 doing what we love! Providing new content and fresh air to a well loved game.
Many communities come and go, but we've made it clear that despite what happens to ours,
we'll stay open and keep providing new experiences for old and new players-a-like.
Of course absolutely none of this would of been possible (website included!) if not for those who believed in us all these years and donated.
So if you like our servers, our content, or our goals then please consider helping us pay bills!
We have exciting plans for the future and we can’t do it without you!
(We are Non-Profit! Any money not spent on server costs always goes towards development and coding!)
Donation Benefits
For only $2 a month you earn…
Early access to most YouTube videos posted on the official channel (when available)
The links to the videos will be given on Patreon (so watch your email) and in the Donator-only Discord channel
Recognition at the end of recent YouTube videos
First access for special server events (Admins vs Players, etc…)
Early beta access to newer custom weapons (when available) for 1-2 weeks
Access to the DONATOR-ONLY Discord channel
Once joined, provide proof of donatorship to gain access
Access to funny reskinned custom weapons (One weapon per class) that will rotate out
Server Wide Voice Messages
Type a word or phase in the chat to have the entire server hear
For example: "stop that", "hi", "bonk", "don't struggle", and "hax"
Full list of phrases pinned within the discord donator chat.
Immunity to Class Restriction
Immunity from AFK Manager
Reserved Slot Access
Get a guaranteed player slot even if a server is full, but you MUST connect through your TF2 console to join a full server
Example..... "connect ip" (as in, "connect")
Joining Message
Displays a message when you join a server that everyone sees
This message can be customized, but can't be too "rude"
The default message is "I’ve donated and supported this server!"
To personalize your message, check the “Pinned Messages” in the “Donator-chat” within our discord server.
Fake Announcements
False achievements, earned items, canteens, purchased items, crafted items, found items, trades, unboxing, and gift items posted to the in-game chat through commands I.e “Sophie has earned the achievement Loser!”
During the “Waiting for Players” Pre-Round
You are granted noclip to be able to fly around the map and out of bounds
During the “Bonus/Humiliation” Mid-Round
You gain immunity to all damage, the “Haste” MannPowerUp, and the "Disciplinary Action" speed boost
A special [Donator] chat tag
(Scout-related) Bird
Anytime you die, you will always gib and Archimedes will fly out
(Pyro-related) Burning Death Animations
Turns on unused official (Valve-made) animations
(Demoman-related) TNT Replacement
Changes the Dynamite Pack into a skull
Heavy-related Visual Changes * Currently Non-Functional
Replaces all thrown edibles into a cake
Engineer-related Visual Changes
Building Hats
Sentries and Dispensers (not teleporters) will have a random hat with an unusual effect
(Sniper-related) Headshot Decapitations
Any headshot kill (including Huntsman kills) will decapitate
Halloween Footprints
Unusual Hat Effects
Choose between 9 unused official (Valve-made) unusual effects
NOTE: You can only have 1 effect applied at a time.
NOTE: Depending on the effect, some of the particles can be in the player's field of view.
Resize Parts of Your Player Model
Toggle head size to 1.5 through command
Toggle hands size set to 1.25 through command
Respawn Effects
When you respawn, you will have smoke effect and audio cue
Special Ragdolls
When you kill someone (or whenever you die), the ragdoll will have “alittle extra” velocity
Become a MvM Robot
Donator Raffles
NOTE: How often this happens depends on how much funding is left over after server costs and paying coders for their help/time
Gravestone Markers
Each time you get a Revenge or Domination kill that enemy player will drop a gravestone with a random text above it
Killstreak Number
Set current Killstreak to 10 thus affecting any killstreak weapons or items you have equipped
Access to Special Sounds & the TF2 Noise Maker
Chroma Trails
Add a colorful player trail with special effects
Signed Items
Crafting (the owner and creator of this group) will sign up items. You must provide the gift wrap.
Nominate Maps
Choose 1 map to be included in the voting selection and the end of map voting period
Able to see total time played * Currently non-functional
How To Donate
(Three ways)
Method 1: Patreon (Helps keep the lights on!)
Make sure to include a link to your steam profile and your discord user name either in your patreon profile or by directly messaging through patreon.
Method 2: Trade Link (Only supports raffles)
Donate a TF2 Mann Co. Supply Key through This Link ONLY
Please include your discord user name within the trade message
(Only Keys can be accepted. Multiple keys = Multiple months
Method 3: Paypal (If you don’t like patreon)
Every $2 donated = one month
Please include your steam profile link AND discord in the notes
of the transaction and notify @Donation Manager
through our discord if you use this option.
While having a Discord account and joining our discord server isn’t required it helps keep you engaged with the community and makes sure you get the best out of your donation benefits!
If you have any questions at all about benefits or the donation process in general, please contact Sofi#5470 through discord as she is acting [Donation Manager]
Regular Players Rewards
Players who are very active either on the TF2 server or within our discord enough to be recognized by staff will likely earn themself the [Regular] role!
This role is completely free to earn and comes with the following benefits!
Special [Regular] chat tag on the TF2 server as well as a similar role within the official discord server
Access to the !nominate command on the TF2 server
Early access to special events (Given server password to connect early before other players but after donators)
Other benefits TBD!
Helper Players Rewards
Players who have already earned the [Regular] Role and have proven themselves willing to be contribute to the community in many ways rather it be through moderative help (Reporting bugs/problematic players, deescalating situations, helping moderators with witness reports, helping new players) or creative help (translations, wiki, etc) they’ll be rewarded with the [Helper] role!
With this role you’ll be given the greatest respect and trust awardable to the average community member. These are the benefits that come with this.
All previous benefits that Regular players gain
Special [Helper] chat tag on the TF2 server as well as a similar role within the official discord server
Trusted point of view on situations over average players (When reasonable)
Direct line of communication to the moderation and creative team
Invitation to help with weapon or update testing behind the scenes when needed
Used as video actors or background actors/characters when needed! (funny video skits, sfm animations, w/e comes up)
The helper role is the closest role to a core staff member position and when rounds of staff additions are made you can be confident your name will be discussed!
Now while this role comes with many benefits, it also comes with expectations of you as an individual to
Always report incidents you witness on the server
Do the best you can to help make sure players respect the rules within our community
Help keep cTF2w a friendly and engaging place to all
Be an active member of the community
This doesn’t mean you need to play on the server daily or constantly talk within the discord. All it means is if you disappear off the face of the earth for three months you’ll most likely be considered unavailable.
Having a discord account and being apart of our Official Discord Server isn’t a requirement for donating but it is a requirement for being a [Regular] or [Helper]! Only members already within our discord server will ever be considered for these roles!
If you have any questions at all about the Regular & Helper system within our servers feel free to contact Sofi#5470 through discord.