On the Payload trail…

Attention, Mercenaries! You’re fired!

Did I getcha? I’m practicing my scares for this Halloween! Greetings and welcome to another cTF2w blog post, written by yours spookily, Loreknight! It’s time to talk about how things have been going behind the scenes since our last post, and what we can look forward to.

Over the past few months we’ve worked on getting updates back up and going again, and more importantly, trying to streamline the process of getting them out. We’ve been focusing heavily on improving existing content recently, such as rebalances, bug fixes, and quality of life, and we hope to see it show in this latest update. Ironically, transitioning between the old pipeline and our new one has slowed down our upcoming update, but it should get faster moving forward!

Speaking of our latest update…we’re releasing it now! Surprise! Maybe! It’s not as big as we originally planned because we got rather ambitious, but everything else we were originally going to do will be packed into another similar update later this month, including a bone-rattling rework to one of our weapons and some incredible new Halloween maps of our choosing that Valve neglected to add! In the spirit of giving everyone enough time to enjoy them, our Halloween rotation will most likely last until mid-November this year.

Additionally, some of you already know that our wiki page has been down for some time now. This is because upon re-evaluation, the wiki staff found it among some pages that did not fit their current definition of what belongs on the wiki. Luckily, we had already been planning a transition away from relying on the wiki and will soon showcase our changes and additions on this very website, which we’re still working on. It’s gonna take some more time, but personally I gotta tell you, it’s looking real nice!

That’s all the time we got for today, though, folks and freaks! Happy Halloween!


cTF2w is back, babies!