cTF2w is back, babies!

Heya everyone, Loreknight from the cTF2w team here.

As most of you already know, the servers have been down for quite a while now, and we’d like to apologize for that. Furthermore, I’d like to apologize personally for our lack of communication and transparency throughout this time, and to straighten out what happened for everyone.

Originally, the servers went down as a result of an update Valve released in late 2022. It is normal for updates to TF2 to have this effect, but the nature of the update led our developers to be worried about how deeply affected our core plugin was, meaning it took much longer than expected to fix the issue. At the same time, we were also correcting an issue between us and the server providers. Eventually, a developer isolated the issue the update had caused, and we got to work rectifying it, as it luckily turned out to be less extensive than originally thought. Afterwards, it has taken us some time to make absolutely sure that everything in the server still works as expected and to fix most of what didn’t. What you will see in the patch notes today is mostly the few things that would take too long to fix, and we will continue to work on them in the future, as we want to get our server back up as soon as possible.

We know it shouldn’t have taken us this long to do all this, but circumstances in many of the staff’s personal lives made it incredibly difficult to resolve everything as fast as we wanted to and to communicate effectively with you all.

want to personally assure you all that while the server was out for a long time, it’s not down for the count. We’re back, we’re still here, and we’re going to start updating again. Additionally, please make sure to report any bugs or other issues you come across in-game in our discord server so we can resolve them as soon as possible.

Hopefully, it will have been worth the wait. Thanks, and have fun!


On the Payload trail…


Spookytober has arrived!